Data structure algorithm - Important Question


Part- A

 Answer ALL Questions. (5x2=10)

1.        Define Data Structure and give examples.

2.        Give the formula to find the number of elements in the array.

3.        Write postfix notation for the given infix notation: (a/(b*(c/d))+(e/(f*g)))

4.        Write the solution for 8 Queens Problem.

5.        Explain about ordered list with an example.


Part – B

Answer ALL Questions. (4x5=20)

6. (a)Explain stack, its operations and algorithms in detail.(OR)

    (b)Discuss about multiple stack and queue.

7. (a)Write about polynomial addition in detail. (OR)

    (b) Explain about Linked Stacks and Queues.

8. (a)How do you evaluate an expression?(OR)

    (b) Give details about graph coloring.

9.(a)Explain about 8 queens problem.(OR)

    (b) What are the factors that influence the efficiency of the backtracking algorithm?

Part – C

Answer any TWO Questions.(2x10=20)

10. Explain sum-of-subset problem and discuss the possible solution strategies using backtracking.

11. Implement the queue structure using array, and write the algorithm for insert and delete operation.

12. Write about linked list and the algorithms for create, add and delete process.
