Part- A (5x2=10)
ALL Questions
1. What
is secret key?
2. What
is cryptography?
3. Define
AES algorithm.
4. Define
DES algorithm.
5. Define
Part – B (4x5=20)
ALL Questions
1. Explain
about Brute force attack (OR)
2. Short
note on monoalphabetic ciphers.
3. Write
about the playfair ciphers (OR)
4. Short
note on one time pad.
5. Briefly
explain about steganography. (OR)
6. Short
note on transposition ciphers.
7. Write
about the digital signature algorithm. (OR)
8. Discuss
about the diffie helman.
Part – C (2x10=20)
any TWO Questions
1. Explain
about the Classical Encryption techniques.
2. Explain
about Public key encryption and RSA algorithm.
3. Discuss
about the hash functions.
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